Thursday 8 October 2009

Lucozade - Long Shit

This poster has been outside Sainbury's for a few weeks now. It's probably one of the worst ads I've seen for some time. It bugs me on so many levels. The first time I saw it, I couldn't help but being reminded of going to the toilet to do a lengthly number 2. At least that's how I interpreted the words on first glance, and every subsequent viewing since. It seems so obvious that I can't help but wonder if an Art Director was actually involved in its creation. Or if there was, perhaps he was having a bit of a laugh before sticking two fingers up to the agency and going off to spend a year in Tibet. Another thing that really bugs me about this ad is the bad combo factor. You can work this out using the equation Combo Factor=CxB+CDx(AD+Y). The equation is a bit complicated to explain here but to summarise... The ad is so blatantly contrived, I mean where do you ever see a sign saying 'Long Shift'? Now I can suspend my sense of reality if the result is worth it. But this ad is rubbish. Why oh why go to the effort of creating an extreemly contrived scenario only to make a poster that makes me think of... "Shit"