Thursday, 2 June 2011
What is a Tissue Meeting?
I've known a few advertising types in my time who have a penchant for meeting in the cubicals for one reason or another. But I don't recall anyone using the term 'tissue meeting' to arrange such a rendezvous. "Hey. I've got some great gear. Fancy a tissue meeting in the toilet?"
There's only one reason why someone would define a meeting as a'Tissue Meeting'. That's because the people who organise one have got their heads so far up their arses - that they need something to wipe away all the crap.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Have you no pride?
Lately I seem to be seeing an increasing number of re-hashes of ads that were originally created for other brands. In my mind the worst culprit of all is the brand that adopts the "I'm a ........" as its umbrella idea.
Here are just a few of recent times.
I'm a PC (Microsoft)
I am Nikon (Nikon)
I am Giulietta (Alfa Romeo.See below)
What I don't understand is who thinks it's so darn good in the first place to want to use it. And even then, don't they know it's been used time and time again.
I can almost hear the researchers and the planners justifying its existence. "The poeple who drive the Guilettarrrhhhh are the type of people who see themselves as Guilettarrrhhhh types." And so they come up with a campaign that simply affirms that simple observation.
Not only is it unoriginal. It's just not creative at all. It's like something someone says in focus group.
Researcher: "If you were a car, what type of car would you be?"
Man1: "I'd be a Ferrari."
Researcher: "Don't you mean. Guilettarrrhhhh?"
Man1: "Oh yes. That's what I meant. Do I still get my 20 quid?"
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Day V Lately
I don't actually mind the re-hash of the old Yellow Pages ad...'J R Hartley'. The new one being called 'Day V Lately'. But one thing really bugs me about one aspect of it, which is the Day V Lately part. I mean what kind of name is that? I don't get why his real name is so bizzare. I've never met anyone called 'Day'.
I've met a Ray and a Jay and a Shay.
Ray V Lately would have been much more apt and probably tie in with the timing of his record.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Mobile blogging
So I just got my first smart phone. I'm wondering if it will change the way I comment on the world of advertising. It's now possible for me to see an advert and snap it with my 5 meg button and post it within seconds.
With this amout of freedom to blog any where, anytime, there's a distinct possibility I'll post any old tosh.